Elks Current events

I've tried to keep up with elks events, the efforts of which can be seen at http://www.furl.net/members/mikejonea2 Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much interest. So I'll try posting here and see how it goes. At least here you'll be able to add comments which I hope you'll do. Anyway, there's lots of news on the web that I'll try to capture and save here for future reference.

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Location: Salisbury, NC, United States

Welcome to Salisbury Elks Lodge #699! We hope this will be a better way to keep up with what's going on with our many lodge activities as well as our members. If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to contact me Mike Jones, PER Lodge Public Relations, NCSEA Historian mikejonesa2@gmail.com

Friday, September 15, 2006

Nazareth Children's outing August 26, 2006

We were blessed with a good many volunteers as well as most of the kids from the home and their house parents.
Many, many thanks to all the helpers we had for that day. Also, special thanks to Donnie Shoaf for donating $60 for the food and Zach Holshouser for picking up the cost of the worms as well as getting the tackle ready for the kids. Zach has done this for 8 years now and we are blessed to have him as an Elk

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